Banking 2.0 is Coming, Central Banks Across The World Begin To Scramble, The Threat Of Crypto Currencies Is Real

Weather you like it not crypto-currencies are here to stay, governments continue to play off their numbered days as to in some way discredit the notion or idea of monetary policy outside of their control. The reality is simple banking 2.0/3.0 is coming and the banks know this, they maybe able to kill of the 1st Generation Bitcoin protocol but like any “idea” once its grasped by the public the sky is the limit.

Since the conception and public release of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto ( probably a fake name to hide the real creators identity, to protect him from banks and any hostile institutions trying to get their hands on “specific” code ) I have seen numerous crypto currencies appear on the market some offering much higher levels of security others portability. Like everything with time it will be perfected and centralized banking will lose all control and governments will have to adapt, imagine that a system that cannot be influenced by greedy self-righteous entitled douchebags.

Any government who decides to adopt/integrate digital currencies early into its economy will flourish, as people learn more about crypto currencies, more will make the jump from fiat to digital. Already countries around the world are looking for alternate commodities to hedge against the collapsing US Dollar. So Why not buy a Bitcoin right? It looks like China, Russia, Germany and many more EU countries are following, they all need to dump their dollars and what better way to do it then investing into the future.

So when you hear government officials come out with their PR stunts to try and discredit Bitcoin, show the TV the middle finger, it’s being a hypocritical lier.

Don’t believe me? Watch the flow of bitcoin around the world in real time.