OK so the story goes a little like this… At our company we use a client record management system called American Contractor (Maxwell). We have employees who needed to access the AC database in order to generate reports through Crystal Reports. The problem was that we could not find x64 drivers because according to the multitude of MSDN forums good old microsoft decided it would abandon any support for the dinosaur database type (visual fox pro… duh? :P). So i began to look and look for any possible 3rd party drivers but got no luck… then after about an hour of digging I was able to find some information…
If you have a Windows Vista, 7 or any type of x64 workstation you need to:
1) First understand that their is no x64 version of VFP driver, that being said you can definately run a x86 driver in a x64 OS.
2) Download the x86 Visual Fox Pro ODBC Driver here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vfoxpro/bb190233 (or Google “Visual Fox Pro ODBC Driver”)
3) In any x64 you cannot access the x86 ODBC Control Panel by navigating to the native START>CONTROL PANEL>ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS>DATA SOURCES (ODBC), You must access the x86 Data Source Panel.
4) To access your 32bit Data Sources Panel Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64/odbcad32.exe and run it.
5) Run and Install what you need. If you still don’t see the VFP Drivers make sure you’ve already installed them :) (doi! :P)
6) Go tell your boss your a genius… muahahahah
I hope this helps anyone who experienced this problem.