Setting up a FUNCTIONING LAMP Stack on Ubuntu Server 10.4

This is a quick tutorial *notes* for me as I constantly have to look for these simple things every time I have to install a lamp server on a nix box.
If you do this kind of stuff to this list might come in handy

  1. install Ubuntu 10.4 LTS
  2. install ssh server [ sudo apt-get install openssh-server ]
  3. install text editor [ sudo apt-get install vim ]
  4. install lamp stack [ sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ ]
  5. install ftp server [ sudo apt-get install vsftpd ]
  6. install phpmyadmin [ sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin ]
  7. install mail server [ sudo aptitude install postfix ]

This should pretty much set you up with a complete/working dev nix box.
You might also need this in some cases…

  1. cURL PHP module [ sudo apt-get install php5-curl ]
  2. IMAP PHP module [ sudo apt-get install php5-imap ]

If you experience any problems hit me up.