I Decided to remove the Facebook ‘like’ feature from my blog and company blog. I didn’t want any government tracking being done based on any similar opinions someone might have. Although I do believe in security I still believe people should have the right to be anonymous and still share their opinion. Also Facebook is getting old and as a professional the look and feel of Facebook does not fit business. Aside from privacy issues, any person can go through the process of socially engineering its victim into accepting a stalkers invite (A living nightmare). Imagine what you could learn about someone right away by simply looking into their profile and relationships, after all you are who you hang out with. This is already being done, redundant databases are being generated about any living person based oh a physiological profile. Guess who is helping with this large task? Facebook fits the perfect model for any intelligence agency, Facebook generates databases based on self inputted user data, some of your most private facts can be found in one way or another on Facebook. Lets not mention all your relationships and their psychological profles, all this information used to create a calculated profile about you. Now imagine a very dangerous person after you and he knows everything about you and who you hang out with. All this only because you decided to share your opinion.
At this point in time I would rather give any visitor the choice of privacy.
For business I will remain using Facebook but only as a marketing node used to direct traffic.