How to Remove LiveZilla’s Footer/Credits

If you’re like me footers with forced credits aren’t cool, although sometimes someones work deserves credit it can ruin a visitors perspective who is expecting a brand.
In this quick tutorial I will show you how to remove all the LiveZilla Credits from the UI so visitors will never know your are using an open source support client. This can be achieved by following 2 simple steps:

  • edit the carrier_logo.gif image to represent you company’s brand/logo.
  • change footer code that shows LiveZilla Credits

If you haven’t already figured out to install the livezilla server files in a folder called live_chat or live_support. Do it now, its SEO friendly :)

Once you have installed your server files make sure they are located one level up of your root directory (root:/live_chat/) this will make everything look more professional in the long run.

Once the steps above have been completed locate the file named lz_chat_frame.4.1.tpl this file should be located at:


once located the file should look similar to this:



Remove Line 13 so it looks like the source below.

Updated lz_chat_frame.4.1.tpl



Thats it! Kiss the footer and the breadcrumb’s root gone!


I have updated this tutorial for version (last open source version) at the following post /how-to-remove-livezillas-footercredits-from-version-3-3-2-2/

Removing Login Fields From Justin Kliens WP-Facebook-Autoconnect

First of all I would like to say thanks to Justin for the plugin, it saved me some time :)
You can find his easy to use plugin at his personal blog site:

This modification will work with Version 1.3.10

After about half an hour I was able to find the code that was causing a second duplicate login and password field. I am sure Justin was thinking ahead with the login fields but in some cases it actually interferes with the blog design/UI. The other problem was the welcome and edit profile links once logged in.

The block of code is found in 2 sections within Widget.php

The First NULLED section will remove the Welcome and Edit profile links once a user is logged in.
The Second NULLED section of code will remove the login fields.

Note: you can copy and past this entire code onto your Widget.php file to update it or download the file directly from the link at the bottom of this post.
[cc lang=”php”]
WP_Widget( false, “WP-FB AutoConnect”, array( ‘description’ => ‘A sidebar Login/Logout form with Facebook Connect button’ ) );



//Output the widget’s content.

function widget( $args, $instance )


//Get args and output the title

extract( $args );

echo $before_widget;

$title = apply_filters(‘widget_title’, $instance[‘title’]);

if( $title ) echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;

//If logged in, show “Welcome, User!”

$userdata = wp_get_current_user();

if( $userdata->ID ):






## END OF NULL <-- */?>

/wp-login.php’ method=’post’>



##END OF NULL <-- */?>

If this too much code for you and you just want the login fields gone download the following files and replace the ones in your x:/wp-content/plugins/wp-fb-autoconnect folder.

Download Files